Headstand Pose
"... your feet / you once thought could only / walk on asphalt, concrete, and dirt, / could reach towards heaven / and tip toe through the air." - from Headstand by Corie Feiner

I had only been practicing yoga for several months when I decided that I was going to work on doing a headstand. Why? Because it was 2020 and I needed to do something that seemed impossible. I needed to turn my world upside down. I needed to believe that if I worked at something for just a little bit every day that my body would learn to be less scared, that I would learn that DNA is not destiny, that I would overcome the story that just because no one in my bloodline had ever done a headstand, did not mean that I was fated to be weighted to this earth.
I knew that if I tried and failed and learned how to fall with grace, that I would, one day, do it, and then time would pass and I would look back to the day that I could not, and smile.
As Nelson Mandela said, “It always seems impossible until it’s done.”
It took me about three months to lift both of my feet off the ground and about three more months to get comfortable enough to move my feet away from the wall. Slowly and with a lot of patience I moved into the beginning stages of a headstand practice.
The world was still mostly shut down, but I had done something impossible. I had turned my world upside down.
Here are a few ways to “flip your script,” make a change, and yes… to turn your world upside down.
One way to turn your world upside down and take a break from “normal” perception, is to practice an inversion. If you are a beginner, you can practice a Forward Fold. Or, if you are more practiced in yoga and feel confident to do so, you could set a goal to do a headstand with proper instruction, guidance, and support. And if you know how to practice a headstand, let me know how it goes. Here are some instructional videos in case you need them or are curious —
Read or listen to, A New Earth: Awaken to Your Life’s Purpose by Eckhardt Tolle. This book had a profound impact on my life by helping me understand how to work with the human ego imbedded in us all.

Read or listen to, Nonviolent Communication by Marshall Rosenberg, and, if you are inspired to do so, take a course in Non-Violent Communication Course locally or online. I did both and it was profound. I learned how to practice empathy, solve conflicts more peacefully, and communicate more compassionately.

And lastly, read my poem, Headstand, and let me know what you think!
Headstand By Corie Feiner It is said that the redwood trees walk at night, softly, their roots stepping gently on the fertile soil we thought kept them in place. It is said the headstand can turn your world upside down, your feet you once thought could only walk on asphalt, concrete, and dirt, could reach towards heaven and tip toe through the air. It is said it takes one woman to change the course of history and although I spent most of my life believing that I was bottom heavy like my mothers before me, I decided I had to turn the world upside down, daily reciting, If I can do a headstand, I can do anything. And I remember the day I first held my legs above my heart and planted my feet in the sky, my thoughts poured from my head like rainwater drop by drop collecting in the leaf mold gutter of my mind and when they burst through and cascaded away from me, I became nothing and no one flowing with the newborn words, So you can do anything, huh? What’s next? Sanskrit Name: Salamba Sirsasana
Thank you for taking the time out of your busy day to read this. Please do share anything below on how you have practiced turning your world upside down physically, emotionally, or spiritually.
Audio for Paid Subscribers
For my dear paid subscribers, you can listen to me reading Headstand by clicking here.
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Gorgeous reflection!
One of my new favorite poems!! I could rock headstand back in my early days of freelancing, when all bets were off and I had nothing and everything to lose. I tried it again recently and couldn’t pull it off. I don’t think it’s my strength (I’ve gotta be stronger with five plus years more of yoga). It’s my confidence. What they say about inversion poses being mostly about confidence is totally true. I want to tip toe through the air but I have to believe I really can.