I swear, if we listened, the skin would speak. Like if you listened closely, the trees would speak —
the hum of the redwoods, the sweet whisper of the birch, the history of everything it ever felt, touched, loved, feared… all in your skin.
Whether it is still new and supple or if it aging with some ridges and cracks,
wrinkles, spots, or scars… it is all beautiful. Miraculous, really.
It stretches and bends, expands and contracts. It remembers. It feels. It holds us together. And sometimes it breaks…

I started to write poetry about specific body parts as part of my healing journey. To reconnect with my hands. To reacquaint myself with my thighs. To tend to the hundred of fears trapped in my heart between beats. To let the pain of my foremothers speak through my belly. To go inward, to create safe spaces, to love my way out of flight/flight/freeze. To learn, again, what it could mean to feel integrated and whole.
The poem I am sharing with you today is not my usual yoga poem, but a a somatic poem for my skin called, Skin Matters.
I usually reserve audio of my poems for paid subscribers only, but this one is for all of you. It has to be.
(And if you do ever want to upgrade to paid, you will have access to all of the archives of my poems as well as all of the audio recordings as well.)
Skin Matters
by Corie Feiner
Skin remembers the story of every cut
on my hands, every scar on my knees,
face, chin, healed and healing.
Skin knows kneeling and prayer,
to grow, to stretch, to bare
arms and break open into sons.
Skin remembers warm breath against breasts,
salty milk, sweet tears, embittered blood burning.
Skin, and the sigh of the lover licking
its landscape saying, You taste so good.
Skin laughing, Don’t talk with your mouth full.
Skin, my wool blanket, my patchwork quilt,
skin, my birch tree forest floor, my
skin, my forest flames burning.
Skin, this skin, now, here, supple, soft
chapped, dry, hurting, healing,
Skin, with me, this life, this now –
Skin wrapping the gift that is me, is you,
skin calling us to hold ourselves until we feel –
just feel --- skin, singing over city sirens,
steam pipes hissing,
touching, sensing, growing, shedding, no story, no blame.
Feel your --
skin, it is ours, this moment, no shame
skin, alive, engulfed, enflamed.
Skin remembers
Free Generative Poetry Writing Workshop for Women
about your skin {on 4/28}
With love to you all whatever your gender and identity, due to the sensitive and intimate nature of this workshop, participants are limited to those who were born and identify as women. So if this doesn’t describe you, you can read on and share this workshop with an amazing women in your life… or just take in the skin poem and know how grateful I am for your support.
I have been writing my way into acceptance of my skin for years and want to offer you the chance to do the same —
Please join me on Sunday, April 28th at 10 am ET for a free one and a half hour somatic writing workshop about your skin.
It may seem far off, but it is right around the corner. To keep it intimate. I limit the workshop to 12 women so please do reserve your spot now. I want to see you there. Yes, you…
Bodylove Poetry Writing Workshop
A free sample workshop + Q&A online via zoom
topic: connecting with your skin using the transformative power of poetry
Sunday, April 28th, 2024
10:00 - 11.30am EST/ 9:00-10:30 am CST (find your local time HERE)
"Medicines and surgery may cure, but only reading and writing poetry can heal." – J. Arroyo
What to Expect
I created this offering from my heart, and if you only come to this free workshop, that that is fine, but it is also an opportunity to sample what it would look like to join me for our intimate womb-y 4-week Bodylove Poetry Writing Workshop starting in May where I will guide you to write about your uterus, your hymen, your stretch marks and the history of your menstruation blood.
In our sample workshop, on Sunday, April 28th, you will be reading a poem about shedding skin by Harryette Mullen, discussing the impact the poem has on you, exploring the tools used to create the poem, practicing somatic exercises to deepen your connection with your skin, writing an original poem to explore and release the stories your skin holds, and sharing your words in a safe and supportive space.
How does that sound?
I can't wait to co-create this space with you to practice radical self-love and presence with our bodies and write and share original poetry about our skin!
Consider it an early Sunday morning date to spend some time with yourself and write your heart out. You are worth it!….
Sending you my very best,
There is more wisdom in your body than in your deepest philosophy. — Friedrich Nietzsche
I would love to do the free one.. I would never be able to afford the actual class, so a sample would be..I think a huge help for someone like me. The link doesn’t work though.. can you help me figure out how to sign up for the sample zoom meeting? Thank you so much. And I’ve loved reading your poems. It’s a whole new way to look at yourself… 🙏🏼
Your reading is 🔥🔥🔥!!! 👏